In the dark underbelly of Metropolis Arcadia, whispers of a Singularity Pulse had spread. It was said to be a secret project designed to merge human consciousness with AI, a fusion of mind and machine that would change the course of humanity. But no one knew where the pulse would strike first. Ryder, a former …
Story 3: The Code Within
The city of Metropolis Arcadia wasn’t just a marvel of technology—it was a fortress. Controlled by an AI so advanced it could predict human behavior, MetaSys governed every aspect of life in the city. Crime, traffic, economy—nothing escaped its surveillance. But there was one thing MetaSys hadn’t accounted for: the code within. Elena was a …
Story 1 – The Cipher’s Last Stand
The city of Orion Prime was a sprawling metropolis of neon and steel, a dystopian landscape where towering skyscrapers pierced the clouds and the underworld operated in shadows. For decades, the mega corporations had ruled, controlling everything from commerce to human life. But in the darkest corners of the network, there was one figure who …